Quality Services
We offer quick & easy services for cats and dogs, accumsan felis id, fermentum purus. Quisque vitae hendrerit elit.

Dog Vaccination
Guard your companion from life-threatening illnesses through regular vaccinations. We’ll create a custom schedule for your pet’s immediate health situation.

Skin problems don’t need to become your pet’s every day. If your cat or dog might have a dermatological problem, please contact our team at Brownsville Spay Neuter Clinic!

BSN has microchipped more than 30,000 dogs and cats. Microchipping is fast, painless, and extremely effective in identifying and returning pets to their loved ones.

A simple way to protect your dog or cat from viruses and bacteria. Vaccinations boost your pet’s immune system from potentially life-threatening diseases.

Flea and Tick Prevention
Plan to stay one step ahead and start your prevention now before you start to see fleas and ticks on your pet, once you can see them, they might be in your home.

Health Certification
What are your summer vacation plans? If you are planning on traveling with your pet you will likely need a pet health certificate. Never heard of a health certificate for your pet before?

Heartworm Testing and Deworming
Heartworm disease is a serious disease that results in severe lung disease, heart failure, other organ damage, and death in pets, mainly dogs, cats, and ferrets.

Pet Wellness
Brownsville Spay Neuter Clinic: Annual check-ups can save animal lives. We encourage a proactive approach to health & advocate regular exams at our clinic to catch illnesses early.

Puppies & Kittens Primary Care
Congratulations! Raising a new puppy or kitten is fun and rewarding — and a lot of work! At BSN, we want to make sure your new addition gets a healthy start to life.

Cat Vaccination
A cat owner is responsible for the wellbeing of their feline friend this includes happiness and longevity of life. Cat vaccinations are an integral component in the longevity equation.